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Dementia in Japan: my grandparents have dementia 3 (one day of my grandmother)

My grandmother thinks I am someone like a nurse.

She thinks her daughter (my mother) is somebody else. 

She thinks my father is somebody suddenly appare in the house.

She thinks her husband (my grandfather) died.

So, our family decided to call each other with nickname like my grandmother used to call us in order to make her not confused.



This article, I am going to write how my grandmother spend a day in my parents house.


Grandmother's schedule of a day:

6:00 - wake up

7:00 - 8:00 breakfast 

~watch TV~ 

12:00 - 13:00 lunch (usually do not really eat)  

~watch TV~

14:00 - tea time

~watch TV~

18:00 - 19:30 dinner 

20:00 - bath time (every 3 days) or sleep


During daytime, she goes to walk outside with my mother, sometimes with my parents and go a bit far to do shopping, walking and refreshing. 

After she sleep, she wake up and goes to bathroom almost every 2hours during the night. Since she cannot find bathroom (toilet), I or my mother lead her to get there. 



This is just a example of daily schedule of my grandmother and family, it depends on date, but briefly we follow this schedule currently.